About Mason District

Mason District is one of the nine “magisterial districts” within Fairfax County, and all members of the Mason District Democratic Committee are members of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee (FCDC).  The Mason District Democratic Committee helps to register voters, informs voters about Democratic candidates, and works to get out the vote. The party committees provide volunteers and infrastructure to support campaigns within the district. Virginia has elections every year, so there’s always work to be done.

Mason District is bordered to the east by Arlington County and Alexandria City. Its southern border consists of the Capital Beltway, Braddock Road, and sections of Little River Turnpike encompassing Lincolnia, small parts of Springfield, and a majority of Annandale both inside and outside the beltway. The district’s northern border runs along Woodburn Road, Gallows Road, and Arlington Blvd (Route 50) up to 7 Corners.  If you are in Fairfax County, and your precinct number starts with a 5, you’re in Mason District.  If you’re still unsure whether you live in Mason District, you can look up your voter info here.

Virginia does not have party registration, and you do not need to be a member of a Democratic Committee to vote in Democratic primaries. (Voter information is available here.)

The Mason District Democratic Committee values inclusion. We invite all Democrats, regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, sexual orientation or disability to join us.

All of our meetings are open, and we look forward to meeting you. You don’t have to be a member to attend or participate.

If you want to join, fill out this form, and you will then be voted in at the next meeting you attend. You must be a resident of Fairfax County.  Members do not have to be registered voters. High school students who have been active, enthusiastic volunteers have been elected to FCDC membership. The $75 dues payment will be waived for anyone who requests it due to financial hardship

Committees reorganize for a two year period in December and January, but you can join at any time. Those joining now will be a member for the new term that runs from 2024-2025.  (If you were a member in 2023, but haven’t renewed, you will be dropped from the membership rolls.)

The FCDC has several Standing Committees which have representatives from each Magisterial District Committee and these Standing Committees meet regularly.

Standing Committees and Caucuses (updated January 2023)


  • Diversity/Outreach
  • Election Law and Voter Protection
  • Finance
  • Central Communications
  • Education
  • Headquarters
  • Labor
  • Newsletter
  • National Affairs
  • Precinct Operations
  • Senior Citizens Affairs
  • State and Local Affairs
  • Technology
  • Voter Registration and Education
  • Women’s Rights
  • Youth Affairs
  • Environmental

  • Women’s Rights
  • Youth Affairs
  • Environmental
  • 50+
  • Asian and Pacific Islander
  • Black
  • Labor
  • Veterans and Military Families
  • Women
  • Latino
  • Democratic Party Platform is adopted every four years at the Democratic Party Convention.  The most recent one was adopted in 2020.
  • Democratic National Committee  Under the leadership of Chair Jaime Harrison, the DNC is composed of the chairs and vice-chairs of each state Democratic Party Committee and over 200 members elected by Democrats in all 50 states and the territories.
  • Democratic Party of Virginia
  • Congressional District Committees (There are a total of 11 Congressional Districts in Virginia, of which 3 are partially in Fairfax County – 8, 10, 11; 2 of these are in Mason District – 8, 11)
  • Each Congressional District committee consists of 20 members who are elected every four years (in the spring of the year when there is a Gubernatorial election).  These members are on the State Central Committee, and also decide how the Democratic candidates for Congress in that district will be chosen.
Copyright © 2024 | Paid for by the Fairfax County Democratic Committee, www.FairfaxDemocrats.org, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.